2. Understanding the audience

In this session, the participants take a closer look at the target group they want to work with in their project. At the end of the session, the participants should have a good overview of who the target group is, how to address them and what their needs are.

Theoretical Background

Methods from market research and customer and user experience design are used.


Follow the activities in order, as the results build on each other. You should complete the activities from Part 1. before.

Learning Goals

One of the main objectives of this session is to take participants on the road and meet with their actual audience in the later environment to better appreciate what volunteers can contribute to the project and to sensitize them to the language and terms that non-scientists use for the topic. Participants learn how to present potential volunteers in so-called "personas". They also learn how to take the perspective of the volunteers and anticipate their needs. Participants will learn about the concept of "Friendly User Testing", which can also be applied in later phases of the project.

Activities Part 2
