Congratulations, you have completed all parts of the training! You now know all the relevant basics about Citizen Science and have experienced for yourself what it is like to participate in a Citizen Science project. You can check your progress by completing the self-reflection from the Introduction once again.
You should now be ready to start your project as you have the following materials to hand:
- A clear scope and description of your project.
- A clear picture of the target group and the environment in which your project will take place.
- An overview of all relevant tasks.
- A rough plan of the project phases and the team
- A concept for communication with the volunteers.
- An overview of expectations and a strategy for managing expectations.
- Texts for the recruitment of volunteers and partners.
You have also practiced some very important skills for running a Citizen Science project:
- Describe your project in plain language for non-scientists.
- Approach people you don't know outside your organization and talk to them about the project.
- Carry out iterative tests to check whether your materials and procedures work.
- Carry out basic project planning.
- Empathize with people and create a safe space for them.
On the page „Scie Citizens 2.0“ there are further learning modules to help you implement the project.
Further reading
Checklists for Citizen Science Projects
- Set up your own citizen science program
- Continous improvement: Step 5 — Sustain and Improve Your Project
Funding a Citizen Science Project
- Ethics in a Citizen Science Project
- The Citizen Science Funding Landscape – TIME4CS webinar
- Citizen Science Toolkit – Designing your project and securing funding
Ethics in a Citizen Science Project
- Find out what Responsible Research and Innovation means, why it is important and how to foster it:
- Ethics Resources
- Data Ethics in the Participatory Sciences Toolkit
Data handling
- Guide to Data Charter for Citizen Science
Communication management
- Communication Plan Template:
- Social media management for citizen science projects
Quality Assurance & Documentation
Citizen Science Handbook – Quality Assurance and Documentation