02 Select

Devices, apps, contacts, video games, social media...

First, adults choose for children:

Parents explain to their children how to choose things on the Internet. In this way, children learn to use good and safe things on the Internet.

What is good for which age?


1. Parents' Devices
Children don't need their own smartphone or tablet at the beginning. They use their parents' devices.

Vater und Sohn schauen ins Smartphone

2. Simple Mobile Without Internet (approximately from 6 - 10 years)
Children start with a simple mobile phone. They can make calls and send messages but they can't access the Internet on their own.

Mobiltelefon mit Tasten

3. Older Smartphone (approximately from 10 - 14 years)
Start with a used smartphone from around 10 years old. It doesn't cost much. It doesn't matter if the child loses it or breaks it. Start with a phone plan without mobile data. Then a prepaid plan. This teaches children not to be on the Internet all the time when they are out and about.

Gebrauchtes Smarthpone

4. New Smartphone (approximately from 15 years)
A child gets a new smartphone if they are good at using the device. Children should also pay for part of the new smartphone themselves. That way, they learn to appreciate the value.

Teenager mit Smartphone

Movies & Videos

There is often an age recommendation for movies. This movie is for ages 0 and up:

Screenshot Mediathek

This movie is for ages 6+:

Screenshot Netflix

This movie is for ages 12+:

DVD-Hülle mit Altersempfehlung 12 Jahre

These movies are not good for children. They are only OK from the age of 16 or 18:

DVD-Hüllen mit Altersfreigabe ab 16 und 18 Jahren

YouTube is for adults and not for children. There are many videos with violence, sex or lies that scare children. Your child should only watch YouTube with an adult.

YouTube Kids is safe for children: https://www.youtubekids.com/. There are only videos for children here.

Screenshot YouTube Kids
How to find good movies for kids

Apps and Video Games

There is also an age recommendation for apps and games. This app, for example, is good for all children (from 0 years).

Screenshot Google Playstore ab ab 0 Jahre

This game is for ages 9 and up:

Screenshot Apple Appstore Spiel ab 9 Jahre

This app is for ages 12 and up (Instagram and Tiktok are only for ages 12 and up):

Screenshot Appstore Instagram ab 12 Jahre

Not good for kids: Apps and video games from 16 or 18 years:

Foto von Spielehülle mit Altersfreigabe 16 und 18
Find good apps and videos

Let’s Play Videos

These videos show you how a video game works. So you can decide whether the game is good for your children.

How to find these videos: Enter in the YouTube search „Let’s Play + name of the game“for example “Let's Play Brawl Stars”. In these videos you can see how fast the game is, whether it contains violence, what the language is like,...

Tests and tips:

Social Media

Here too, there is a lot of content that is not good for children. Strangers can also talk to your children. Officially, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat are recommended from the age of 12. However, you should accompany your children until they are at least 14 or 15.

Select Channels

Look for good channels together with your child. The content should be made for children. Content for adults is often not good for children.

Screenshot Instagram Kika für Eltern
Likes and Comments

Liked and shared posts together first. Write comments together. Comments should be nice and friendly. If you don't like something, write the person a private message. Explain to children how blocking and reporting works.

Netter Kommentar
Private Messages

Write and read personal messages together first. Strangers who try to approach children are a great danger. Children must first learn to recognize this danger before they can write alone.


In many apps and video games, you write with strangers. This can be dangerous for children. There are people on the internet who seek contact with children because they want to do violence to them.

It is important that you choose contacts on social media, in video games or in chats together with your children at the beginning.

Explain to your kids:

  • Don't tell foreigners private information:
    • first name and last name
    • age, birthday
    • address, town, street
    • phone number
    • e-mail address
    • Photos & videos of the children
    • information about family, school, hobbies
  • Some people pretend to be someone else on the internet. Adults, for example, pretend to be a child.
  • If something is strange: block and report the person and talk to the parents.
  • Children never meet people they know from the internet on their own. You can only meet these people if the parents are there.
Screenshot Tiktok-Kontakte
Good contacts
  • at the beginning only family and very good friends
  • then friends from the class
  • Later, other people you don't know personally.

More Tips

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